Saturday, April 28, 2012

Home for the Summer

Sending this from Toronto Pearson Airport...

Highlights from 2011/2012 cruise...
Sailed from Florida to the BVI
Had visits from family and friends
Met new cruising buddies
Good snorkeling, swimming and fishing
Loved improvements to the boat including wonderful new fridge, new plumbing, cockpit screens and washdown pump
Repairs to a minimum - boat running very well
Saw whales, dolphins and the ugliest iguanas and lizards
Did overnight crossings
Flew 6 different courtesy flags from different countries

Sadly we lost some dear family this year - makes you realize that life is short - you only live once, so live it well!

Out she comes...

Summer Home

Murphy the dinghy gets a ride, too.

Excellent security - police station next door!!!
See you in the fall!!!


  1. Thank you for a great year of adventures, we enjoyed following along, as this may be our same route as well. You are showing us the way!
    Hayden sailing homebto MD from Abaco

  2. Hope you guys are keeping warm......We are back home on the south shore of Lake Ontario and have been watching you having fun. What marina is Blue Pearl at? Hope to see you next year.
    Jon and Arline


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