The islands of the USVI and the BVI are so close together that
from one spectacular spot to the next is often only a 5 to 10 mile sail. St. Croix is about 35 miles away so
that puts it apart from the rest. It
is part of the USVI. We hadn’t
heard from anyone who had been there so we decided that we needed to
visit. The added bonus is that it
is directly south of where we were so the easterly trades would give us a beam
reach coming and going. We are coming to the end of
our 2011/2012 cruise and we have spent much time motoring and motor-sailing so
the thought of a serious sail was inviting.

We left Peter Island in the BVI at 7 am and sailed due
south averaging more than 6 knots for the trip. The entrance into Christiansted, St. Croix, is well marked –
there is a serious shoal right in the entrance to the harbour and there are
many, many buoys. So many, that
Glen did several U-turns before we finally made our way in. Customs and Immigration clearance was
painless and we were soon in Murphy the Dinghy, heading for the Fort Christian
Brew Pub. From the mooring field,
you dinghy past Fort Christian to the promenade along the front of the town
harbour. We tied Murphy off to the
dock and took a short walk along the waterfront before Glen was overcome by the
heat and we had to stop for rehydration at the brew pub.
We made arrangements with a local car rental place to get a
car in the morning and then retreated to the boat for a delicious Pamacita
Old windmill on the waterfront |
Waterfront walkway |
Rehydrating at Ft. Christian Brew Pub |
In the morning we set off to collect our rental car – only to
be hit by the only negative on this trip.
Any drivers other than US are required to purchase ($20) an
“international drivers license.”
Now, we’ve driven many places in the world, Europe, Mexico, and the good
old USSA, but we have never been required to pay for an “international drivers
licence.” Anyway, the rental
clerks were nice – not their rule – so we paid and off we went.
There are lots of great sights to see in St. Croix.
We toured the grounds of the Buccaneer Hotel – fantastic
views! We went out to Point Udall, passing an 82-foot dish
antenna which is part of the Very Long Baseline Array – cool to see it moving
and adjusting. We followed the south coastline and passed the huge HOVENSA refinery on our way to the Cruzan Rum Distillery. It’s not well marked on the road – you
have to be careful or you will drive past it – like we did.
Part of the Very Large Array or a kickass satellite tv dish |
Pt. Udall Monument to the Millenium |
I prefer the Single Barrel |
Cruzan Rum windmill remains |
Did the obligatory rum tour, tasting and purchasing and then
spent a lovely afternoon touring the island. We did a quick
drive through Fredericksted on the west coast and had a super lunch on the beach at Rhythm's Beach Bar. A beautiful setting right on a beautiful beach.
We drove the route of the St. Croix Triathalon and saw “The
Beast,” a steep, steep hill. We
drove down the hill, the competitors drive up the hill. It has got to be gut wrenching.
We ended up back in Christiansted, stocked up on a few
groceries and retired for a peaceful evening back on sv Blue Pearl.
Brad chooses Grey Goose |
Our sail back to St. John was as smooth as our trip
down. We caught no fish but
enjoyed a lovely beam reach all the way at 6 plus knots. We had heard that Coral Bay on the southeast corner of St. John was a nice
anchorage but there must be two of them – one way nicer than where we ended up. We left and headed south and west for another couple of miles and spent the night
on a mooring ball at Salt Pond Bay.
Considered to be one of the best snorkeling locations on the island, it
was busy with guests arriving by car and with 3 other boats on mooring balls. We did lots of swimming and snorkeling in this beautiful spot.
We recommend St Croix. Now we
can say we are Cruzan Cruisers!