The sea trials were great; the survey is fine. There is a long list of things that should be looked at… just like my lists at home. There is another list of things that we would like to do soon and then another list of things we need to someday. The surveyor told us three times… cruise it for six months before you decide to do anything. Get a sense of what is a wish and what is a need. We think we NEED solar panels so that might be our only extravagance.

We will cruise it this summer – in the Florida blast furnace heat and put it on the hard in Georgia from September to December. A potential itinerary might include bouncing down the west coast to Sarasota, Port Charlotte, Fort Meyers and Marathon. Then up the east for a bit – maybe a crossing to Bimini and up to Freeport. Then back to Florida and up to the Georgia border at St. Marys. We’ll see.