Thursday, February 7, 2019

What to do without guests?

So what to do without fun folks visiting us on Blue Pearl?

We've been napping, reading, eating, drinking and doing boat jobs.

I sand and clean the teak

Varnish mixing station

Varnish artist Pam applies the varnish

All the tools necessary to replace a broken hatch slider

Watching crazy stuff on You-Tube
Mexican Salad with Chicken and Avocado 
Pretty boring stuff. But the weather is here, I wish you were beautiful. Very nice to spend time on the water, around the beautiful beaches of Antigua.

We went into Jolly today to drop off laundry and fill up with fuel and water. Back at Hermitage we continued with Marie Kondo type stuff - might throw out a towel we bought in 1998! And even though we only had 58 hours on the engine since our last oil change - it was almost a year ago so I changed  the oil.

I'm enjoying a nice glass of scotch, courtesy of Mike and Charlotte and waiting on another gorgeous sunset while wondering how Jack Reacher is going to get out of this last debacle alive.

Our pace of life is lovely and slow!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds perfect to me. Well done.
    See you when we get there if this 20 25 east every changes. Geaogetown


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